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SoCal MG Club By-Laws

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The name of this organization shall be the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MG CLUB, hereinafter referred to as "the Club".
The objectives of the Club, in affiliation and cooperation with the various MG national registers, shall be
1. Promote the preservation of the British auto as recognized by the National Registers, by inspiring and developing each owner's interest and understanding of his/her machine.
2. Promote the enjoyment of the use and ownership of the machine through tours and fun type
Section 1. Membership
1. Membership is open to any person who is interested in furthering the objectives of the Club. 2. A single membership consists of a driver and co-driver.
3. Membership Requirements:
a. Statement by owner that any car driven during any Club event is insured for public liability and property damage.
b. Payment of annual dues and membership fees.
Section 2. Rights of Members.
A membership shall enjoy any and all privileges of the Club and shall be entitled to one vote per paid membership.
Section 3. Termination and Renewal of Membership.
Terminated membership shall be renewed upon payment of current dues and membership fees.
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Section 1. Fiscal Year.
The fiscal year of the club shall be January 1st through December 31st.
Section 2. Dues and Fees.
The annual dues and fees for membership shall be determined annually by the Board, to be effective on January 1, of each year. Annual dues are good for one year and will expire exactly one year from purchase date.
Section 3. Payment of Dues.

Annual Club Member Auto initial and Renewal Fee $40, which will be good for one year and will expire exactly one year from purchase date. This member option includes membership for one driver and one Co-Driver. Name tag not included for Co-driver. 

For New Member Annual Family Members, the fee for one year is $40; includes one name badge.  For the Co-Driver, there will be a one time charge of $15 for an additional name tag.

Section 4. Club Funds.
1. Withdrawals - Treasurer (or appointed pro-tem treasurer), President and Vice President are the only authorized members to make withdrawals from the Club's accounts.
2. Indebtedness - Any single expenditure in excess of $100.00 which has not been authorized in the annual budget shall not be expended without approval by a majority of the Board at a regular meeting of the Board at which a quorum is present, or by such means as determined by the President (phone or email, etc.).
Section 1. Meetings.
1. Membership Meetings - The Membership meeting of the Club shall be held as determined by the Board. At the minimum quarterly meetings should be held during the year.
2. Board Meetings - The Board meetings of the club shall be held each month, unless otherwise ordered by the President. A minimum of eight meetings should be held during the year. Meetings can be held by telephone conference, email, and/or text messaging.
Events and Outings - An event or outing, such as a rally, tour, picnic or technical session, shall be held as often as can be arranged, ideally at least once a month.
Section 2. Quorums.
1. No business may be conducted without a quorum.
2. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Board.
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Section 1. Elected Officers.
The elected officers shall be: President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Coordinator, Regalia Coordinator, two Directors-at-Large, and all Area Coordinators.
Section 2. Duties of the Officers.
1. PRESIDENT has the responsibility to coordinate the actions and responsibilities of the other officers in the Club and, in general, to promote the success of the Club. Other duties include: a. Preside at all meetings of the Club and the Board.
b. Authorized to sign withdrawals from the bank account.
c. Appoint, with the approval of the Board, Committee Chairpersons as needed to carry out responsibilities assigned by the Board. Committee Chairpersons may include but not be limited to: Awards, Communications, Events and Program.
2. VICE-PRESIDENT shall assist the President as needed or requested by the President and shall assume the President's duties if the President is unavailable.
3. RECORDING SECRETARY shall record the minutes of the meetings of the Club and the Board. He/she shall have available for reference at all meetings a copy of the By-laws and the Minutes of previous meetings.
4. TREASURER shall maintain accurate records of the revenue and expenditures. Other duties include:
a. Receiving all monies due the Club.
b. Paying all bills provided for in the budget or approved by the Board.
c. Rendering a financial report at meetings as requested.
d. Presenting books for an annual audit by the Board.
e. Preparing an annual budget for approval by the Board by a date certain to be determined by the Board.
5. MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR shall maintain accurate records of the membership and shall provide a roster of members to be distributed as the Board determines to all active members.
6. REGALIA COORDINATOR shall be responsible for obtaining, selling and maintaining stocks of Club related items of clothing and accessories, the purchase of which shall be approved by the Board, and for maintaining records related to the inventory and sales of said items.
7. TWO (2) DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE shall obtain the viewpoints of the general membership and present same at the Board meetings. They shall perform special tasks as designated by the President or Board up to and including temporary Board positions.
8. AREA COORDINATORS shall represent specific geographic areas within the purview of the Club in order to represent the members in their geographic areas to the Club's Board, organize events for the members within their geographic areas and promote overall Club events. All events planned by Area Coordinators shall be open to all Club members in all geographic areas.
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Section 3. Terms of Office.
1. The Club's officers shall be elected for a period of one year. The term of office shall be JANUARY 1ST through DECEMBER 31ST. An officer may be removed from office for any of the following
a. Resignation from the Club.
b. Request to be relieved of the duties of office.
c. Approval of two-thirds of the quorum at a Board meeting.
d. If a Board member whether elected or appointed misses two (2) consecutive or three (3) cumulative board meetings during the year, that position shall be considered vacated.
2. Elections.
a. Any member in good standing shall be eligible to hold elected office.
Members interested in running for office shall inform the Secretary of their interest by October 31st.
b. The Board shall present a list of candidates in the newsletter preceding Annual Membership meeting, along with a ballot, and instructions on how to vote. Ballots shall include the option of write-in candidates. Ballots may be submitted in hardcopy or electronic form. Only one ballot per membership shall be counted. Ballots must be received by one week before the Annual Membership Meeting in hardcopy or electronic form to the Membership Chairperson. Tabulation of all ballots shall be concluded, and results announced at the Annual Membership Meeting in December. All officers shall be elected by majority vote.
c. Newly elected officers will be installed at the Annual Membership meeting in December. 3. In the event of a vacancy in any office, the Board shall appoint a member to fill the office for the remainder of that term.
Section 1. Membership and Duties.
The Board shall be composed of the Elected Officers of the Club as described in Article VI, Section 1, as well as the President Emeritus. It shall carry on the business of the Club and shall have general power to administer the affairs of the Club. It shall be subject to the orders of the Club Membership and none of its actions shall conflict with the actions taken by the Club.
1. PRESIDENT EMERITUS shall be filled by the previous President. President Emeritus is to remain on the Board until replaced by the next outgoing President. His/her duties are to advise and assist the new President when and where his/her expertise may be needed. He/she shall have full Board voting privileges.
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The title of all property, funds and assets of the Club shall at all times be vested in the Club for the joint use of members, and no member or group of members shall have any severable right to all or part of such property. The property of the organization is irrevocably dedicated to charitable purposes and upon liquidation, dissolution or abandonment of the owner after providing for the debts obligations thereof, the remaining assets will not inure to the benefits of any private person but will be distributed to a non-profit fund, foundation or corporation which is organized exclusively for charitable purposes and which has established its tax exempt status under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
These By-Laws may be amended by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of those present at any Board meeting of the Club, providing that notice of the proposed amendment shall have been published in the newsletter preceding the meeting at which the amendment is to be acted upon. A period of a minimum of two weeks shall be allowed for comment to be provided in writing (including email) to the President following the dissemination of the proposed amendments.
By-Laws of the Club shall be dated and signed by the President and two Board Witnesses and one copy shall be submitted to each National Register upon request.
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